Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy late Singles awareness day!

The S.R.P. valentines day skit! Hope you enjoy, and to my future self, hope you look back at this and think like wtf!

Talk #10 January, finals, Anime Milwaukee, Valentines and more!

oh gosh i really gotta do this but i'm kinda every where! <------ dear god i wrote that almost 3 weeks ago.

Ok so January in review...... oh gosh i can't remember anything about it! Ok well how about finals.
Dear god finals were a bitch!!!!! They were long and annoying and just flat out stressful. I hated them but i past all of them, only 2 C's. Pretty good for meh! The only upside is that i got to go home early almost every day. Now that was awesome.
I'm getting more into uploading stuff to Deviant Art. Yay for me!
Etiher way's Anime Milwaukee is closing in on me, and for once i'm done. The only thing is that the sleeves for R.B's Zatsunes shirt aren't done yet, the rest is though, thank god! All of my crap was finished this weekend and now i just gotta pack and get the food i'm gonna take up to Milwaukee with me. I'm really happy even though a few people i love to death can't come, mostly Emilio. I'm also kinda worried since mostly everyone thats going up this weekend is either sick or getting sick or injured, like me! I'm worried about holding my first photoshoot at a con. Wish meh luck!!
I tried to dye my hair, guess what!? I burned part of my skin with the bleach and my mom had to put honey on it. I kept trying to lick it off but it didn't work. T_T oh well still have hues of blue in my hair.
Valentines day has been almost blocked from my mind.
Either ways my stress levels and sleep needs are in over drive. I just need sleep! But at least i got this post done with!