Monday, December 26, 2011

summer of 2011 in review and Marching band.

Well ya i had the parade which was so flippin nerve wrecking but fun. I was so nervous i had no idea how to put my uniform on so Adam and Jared helped me when we stopped to take pictures. We walked with our sections back to the start of the parade and got water. It was interesting getting to see the social heiarchy of our sections. At that time i wasn't sure who the section leader was. In many ways i thought it was Nick but its not, its the upper class men that actually helped me.
I had so many issues staying in step so the french horn section leader was continuausly screaming left at probably me, so did Adam/Jared. I think i really tested peoples patience that day.
Marching band was a fun unit over all. I got it pretty easy since it wasn't exactly something that came naturally to me. I always had Adam near me except during 'To much time on my hands', we also played 'Mr. Roboto', and the best of times was our closer. It was a fun experiance and it just over all felt amazing. When i hit the last note in any of the peices, dear god did it feel good. I would hit almost this high, i would feel so alive. I would hit that last note, struggling for breath, shaking like crazy, nothing else the world could matter to me at that moment. At that moment nothing could touch me, reality couldn't reach me, couldn't hurt me. Life... or more like Reality is difficult, most days i feel dead, i feel like i'm watching myself go through life not feeling anything but pain, rejection and the occational love. I love the feeling of playing my saxophone, it reminds me i'm still alive.
Now for a few random little facts. I thought most of the guys and Emmie looked like Princes from behind, especially with their capes.