Sunday, January 30, 2011

old story,

ok i didn't want to forget this story, i'll come back and edit it later

Ok so this all started with Literacy week, way back in 8th grade, ya those were the days!

Ok so there was an assembly to end literacy week and the 8th grade band got to play, boy was that fun, we got to try and play a new piece that Matt wrote for us and we had to play it in the dark.
Point in the matter we had to play to songs in the dark, so we had reading lights, some of the reading lights were very old and didn't work so we had to go find this box and find one's that actually worked, i followed YukiHime to find the box and took my saxophone with me, i ended up staying there to help people find lights. Adam came up to find a light but i must have been pmsing because i said
"ok here Adam take this light,"
 "ok... sure," he said and i hand it to him and he looks at it kinda confused, so i start yelling at him to go away, it didn't work so i took an empty box and almost threw it at him.
he flinched and said, "why are you so mean to me!....."
i screamed back, "because you kept laughing at me, i actually hurt myself,"(which dates back to another story ^^)
I tired to throw the box at him again but he walked away, so i finally found one and it's a newer one, I'm going back to my seat when he walks up to me starts whining about the light,
He said "this one's to heavy," I took my light and threw it at him yelling, "fine take this one!!," he cought it, and threw his light at me, I'm still carrying my saxophone, so obviously i don't catch it, it falls and sorta breaks, we start arguing, he try's to help me but then he say's,
"i have to go to the bathroom," i hit him very hard, so i go back and find another light and go back.
 finally after school we were putting our instruments away and i was leaving and i saw him, i take my binder and hit him with it very, very, very hard, Sharon starts freaking out and yelling at me, but i was like half way down the hall by the time she registered what happened, later on we were leaving my house and i saw these guys walking and fooling around, and I'm thinking, "oh it can't be......... oh but it could," i see Adam's coat and realize its him, just as I'm realizing this so is emmie and britta so they get out of the car and start talking to them, and rosie just handcuffed me to a pair of head phones. That was the day we went to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonder land.

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