Sunday, May 15, 2011

strong hope and even stronger memory's

So tonight, thursday may ? was my last concert of my freshman year, and gotta admit it was fucking awesome!!!!! It was so much fun, Mr. Schneider was so worried for us because he had us playing things that concert band plays and all sorts of other little things. Everyone loved our preformance, its kinda expected, i mean our band is really good, so i can’t wait to hear us when we are in the wind ensemble.
Tonight was also the Wind ensemble’s last performance together as a class, i can’t imagine how sad they must have been. They were amazing beyond belief. After they were done they played a few movements to a slide show of pictures of them with the colleges they are going to. It filled me with such sadness i almost started crying, i really hope i’ll end up in Minnesota. I was so proud of Chris D. who i’ve always had strong memory’s of. I was so happy he got his scholar ship to a college, he is so talented. I guess i always see in him and in Chance the hopes and the want and talent that Dark always showed to me. Its sad to see them go. I hope him and all the others the best. Mr. Hatch also gave a very lovely speach to us about how we helped him through his depression and gave him hope and support and to be honest i’m glad we did, he’s always so happy to teach us even though we love to test the absolute patience of a human being. The cardnal band was almost in tears we were so happy, we were clapping and cheering and all sorts of emotions were flying our from our side of the PAC. It filled me with a strong feeling, it was hope yet it wasn’t, it was fear yet it wasn’t.
This night will go down forever in my memory, it has also filled me with a sense of hope that can’t be matched. I can honestly say this night filled me a strong feeling of Hope and an even stronger then that is the memory’s its re-kindled and given me.
p.s. thank you Pudding, forever Loyd.
<3 Lulu.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

talk #13 days blurring

So my freshman year is almost over and done with. I've just had my first communion and it went better then expected. It was kinda fun, i had a ton of food, i got a lot of really nice presents. And now things will go back up hill until my birthday party. Fun. 
Either ways i haven't had much of a want to write anything on here in a while, sorry. I always get like this. This is why i can't keep a steady journal, this i can sort of honestly say is a good sort of alternative. Either ways again, i haven't had much time or want to write, draw, edit or make anything. Just sleep, which isn't much of an option with finals closing in on me, T_T.... i so need to push for extra credit and check my grades since i slacked a little and got lower grades then i wanted now i'm scrambaling for either extra credit or to just do well. 
Mom's already started in on my birthday crap, my dress is comming at the end of the month. My whole familys coming up for it as well. My friends meet Diego and i don't think i'll ever fully hear the end of it. hehe on an other note i got a new cat. Her name is Nicky but i call her Nico. She's a smallish black cat who likes inclosed dark areas, she's living in my closet, i found her in a drawer, and she's super antisocial except at night when she comes out to attention whore.
Today i skipped out on school, on account of my cold, aunt, lack of sleep, eye appointment and over all me not wanting to go. Some good news, my vision hasn't gotten worse, bad news contacts are gonna be shit expensive T_T sad face. I'm gonna go with my mom to drop off my tia Liz in Milwuakee later today. We had all sorts of issues with her luggage and she was bringing my candle, oh well we dealt. 
So this is the time of year where days begin to blur together and i can no longer tell them apart, that sometimes scares me even if i don't like to admit it. A nice break from all that is is always nice, i saw the King and I and could not stop laughing for the life of me. Geek.kon is also comming into view and with that comes all sorts of different head aches and i've got to work my ass of this summer and i've got to do it fast!
p.s. remember- Hank fan club, its a work in progress and it'll happen!!!!!!! ttyl, if i remember <3