Thursday, August 25, 2011

My 15th birthday

Ok so i don't want to really remember it all. It was so long, but i think it was kind of worth it in the end. In a way or too.
So the day before was a nightmare but i got through it just like the week leading up to it. My contacts were an issue and I've decided i just don't want them. My family hurt me and I'm getting over it. They did.
There were so many dance lesson leading up to it and i now know i shouldn't have asked my friends to do it. They didn't want to so i feel really bad that i made them do it, if i could go back I'd just have talked my cousins and family friends into doing it.
:The day of i got up early and let R.B. sleep in. I got to the salon and picked out what hair style i wanted and a nice girl who was getting ready for her friends quince was there too, she was super nice and kept talking to make the awkwardness of me not talking less noticeable. Then a girl put a ton of makeup on me and i went home.
:They put the dress on me some how and then we did R.B.'s makeup and stuff, i would have done everything for her differently but my mom was being herself so i didn't even try. My brother came home with like 15 min. to get ready. We waited for a long time and then left for the church. I was late, big surprise. My God parents though were happy to see me and vice versa. Seeing them and Cassandra and Diego calmed me down a bit.
: My heart though was beating in a very strange way randomly and it had been like that since the night before so Diego and Ivan were worried about me, like for half the day one or the other was with me. I saw Diva and Cree who along with R.B. and Amber were my damas.
:We went in and had the church ceremony and Laila was baptised. Unfortunately babies and children tend to cry a lot when in that particular church, or so I've noticed, so Laila was crying through most of it. She stopped when she stole a butterfly from my bouquet.
:My family disbanded and Diego, Ivan and my Uncle took me back to my grandma's house so they could eat. Only my family and Marino came back with me, which actually kinda hurt, i know its stupid but it did. I'm glad that at least the ones that stayed with me didn't leave me.
:Photo shoot time came and we headed out to the botanical gardens. That was long and i had to think of it as doing a photo shoot for cosplay. For that i was pretty alone which wasn't as bad as it could have been. It was hot and people complained and were tired, most of us didn't go to sleep until like 3am the night before.
:On the way back i had to hold on to Diego's coat to calm myself down and so he showed me a video he took of Marino and my cousin dancing together. I couldn't stop laughing. The party was fun i guess, all of my friends made it and we danced and stuff. People ate, i didn't eat anything that day really, Ivan gave me a plate of rice which i didn't really eat, but dear god did i down bottles of soda. I stressed drank so much after my last dress change. Three of my amazing friends(Cree, Emma, Maddie), one whom i might add has only know me for a few months because of like one class, helped me go to the bathroom and take the dress off twice. We also realized I'd hit that time of the month which made everything all the more awkward.
:Later that night I'd greeted so many people, done both the waltz, family/friends waltz(which ended up being just my uncles and a few male cousins) and the surprise dance, taken to many pictures and was ready to just chill. I took my little cousin and ended up putting him to sleep on my pillow pet. We later took pictures of him holding random objects. Around this time my friends were all either gone or were abandoning me, if you haven't realized i have abandonment issues. My family started to approach me, and it was really nice actually, i had some fun messing with Diego and vice versa. Had fun chasing my kid cousins around with a freaking wand threatening to hurt them because they stole my pillow pet.
I think over all i understand now why mothers always want there daughters to have a quince, its a viscous cycle but to my future self, you have to respect your daughters decision to not have one of there own.

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