Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sophomore year

Well it was an interesting one for sure. This past year was kind of a living hell for me. I kept having to go to the hospital for stress induced pains. My relationships with almost everyone around me suffered like there was no tomorrow. The year was long and difficult whenever I wasn't at school.
For starters i'll say this, I've always gone to school and liked it because of my friends but that changed this past year. I went and had fun mostly because of the kids in my classes rather then my friends which was a bit of a shock to me.
First semester got progressively worse once my bf and i broke up. I was miserable after that even though it was my own fault. I had a lot of fun with my child development class and art class. My art class always made me laugh and i had a lot of fun getting to do art again. But i did end up doing a lot of charcoal pictures of naked people. Things were really busy towards the holidays when we got a visit from Kibi. I wasn't quite strong enough to put some things behind me and so i only saw kibi twice. I made a lot of important decisions during this time.
Now there was sort of a time in between the two semesters where i put events that i don't think belong completely the either. They are mostly the Chicago trip for band and AMKE. Chicago was such an interesting experience. It was a band/orchestra trip and i roomed with Yukihime, Eliza and an uperclassmen from the saxophone family. During the trip i bonded with Eliza and a lot of different people in our class. We saw an Opera, the hard rock cafe, and the Hancock building the first day and were supper exhausted by the end. Saturday we did the shed/field museums and were ready to pass out by the time we got to Navy Pier. After Navy Pier we got to see the Blue Man Group and dear god we spent the entire time laugh our asses off. Now AMKE was a whole other fun event. We had like 8 people in the room and so much bonding. I met some really awesome people and reconnected with others. Now in between those two events something happened that made second semester better. I got back together with my bf. It made me very happy since by then I really missed him.
Second semester was kind of a whirl wind of different stuff. I got Emma in my English class which made those days very fun. I also got a really awesome group of people in Outdoor pursuits. They were mostly my band geek buddies and a few upperclassmen. We had a ton of fun with the class. In band, me and 2 other girls in my section decided to do solo and ensemble. We did a song called weigenlied and it was a pretty nerve wrecking experience for us. But it felt really good to finally do something like that. I really improved in my playing. I also got my very own saxophone, Pudding the 3rd. Second semester was a lot nicer in my opinion since i wasn't so sad or depressed.
But... there's always a but. My grandmother became very sick and died in the spring. She died the last day before i left houston. It was very sad and heartbreaking for me to see my aunts and cousins after she passed. Next summer or the summer after that i really want to go visit my grandma and grandpas graves. Then i came back to Middleton and our concert was coming up really fast and of course life wasn't done screwing me over. I came back to the news that my band teacher is leaving for a different teaching job. Our last concert was so sad. I wanted to cry so many times. We not only said goodbye to our teacher whom has helped us so much to grow as players but to our upperclassmen who guided a lot of us. Next year when we say goodbye to the class of 2013 i'll probably be sobbing. I'll miss them so much.
So over all I learned a lot this year and I grew a lot too. I was put in many different often life altering situations and sure it was hell but i wouldn't be able to keep growing if it wasn't for them.

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