Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just a Thought #5 About Domo

On Monday a guy in my English class was wearing a Domo shirt. My teacher asked what it was called, i pointed at the guy and said in the most lulu voice ever "Doooommmooooo," My teacher started laughing and looked at me and said, "That was the most enthusiasm you've shown in my class all year,".

Then today, i was playing with my pencil and it flew out of my hands and fell far way from me, i couln't reach it. Most people just stared at it. The Domo shirt guy and i were laughing silently, some really nice guy picked it up for me.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Talk #4 about a kon get together

My oh my, how time flies. Dear god I'm about to crash, and never wake up. School has bee way too long. 

Went to the doctors. I now have to go see a dermatologist, a physical therapist, and the fitness clinic so they can test me for diabetes. As R.B. has pointed out before, i am a mess. 

I can't seem to practice my Saxophone, which is stressing me out way more then playing it T-T.

Today we had a Kon get together. R.B. and i went all the way to German Town to get our friend Jena. Like 4 hrs. in a car. No as fun as you'd think. I was also very much sexually harassed by everyone. I'm also re-thinking my feelings towards a certain someone. I don't have any expectations of them, so ya..... i don't think i should give it much thought. Either way today was a lot of fun. Got some of it on tape, might upload it tomorrow. Ummmmm what else.....? Oh had diner at Diva's house. Most les thing i will ever say or think, Diva makes a good pillow. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Axel, Roxas, and i think thats it. I have an emotion of sadness and frustration i can't explain.I really don't want to see or face Kibi for a while to be honest
Geek.kon came to an end yesterday. Sadly it has not been my most favorite. Sigh, i did meet a lot of awesome people though. Jena, Shar, Tessa,Casey,Love buttons

Friday, September 3, 2010


At geek.kon now!! It is epic, was re united by with everyone but Mina, Even, Dustin and Cassey. Ryan was EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure he got drunk and there was a bit(a lot) of drama surrounding it but it was fine in the end. We got to see Mina and Dustin on Saturday. 

Friday- Friday was really exhausting. We were all really tired and cranky. I got see my Zero though, he pretty much picked me up when i hugged him. Then i saw Kaylyn, Lauren and Ryan in normal clothes. I wore my ritsu wig and dress with the leafeon hat and tail. 

Saturday- Saturday was a little bit better. Hank and Alli did really well on saturday. I was left alone and felt really bad and hurt most of the day... T.T but i got over it, kinda. I meet Jena, Axel, Roxas, and got to re meet Billy and Richie. Also meet Demyx and Tessa. Had an epic lunch. Went to the mini rave and then raved for like 3 hours at the bigger rave. I did Sasori

Sunday- Had a late start. Did ritsu in normal clothes. It was better. Most people ignored me or left me alone though. Except Jena. I got to play with a ton of people plushie. I also got my Rukia. 

In the end please don't as me to rate geek.kon. It was just interesting. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

About school.

Yup ^-^ my world history class screwed up our seating arangement,we wouldn't have known if it weren't for adam, our teacher said to just screw the seating chart. 
Then my Biology class has a snake, my teacher won't let us touch it because it apperently bites. He tried to get someone to stick their hand in the tank. He told us that if this one guy was late enough times that he would tell him to get the snake out, the guy was of course late and missed the entire talk.