Saturday, September 18, 2010

Talk #4 about a kon get together

My oh my, how time flies. Dear god I'm about to crash, and never wake up. School has bee way too long. 

Went to the doctors. I now have to go see a dermatologist, a physical therapist, and the fitness clinic so they can test me for diabetes. As R.B. has pointed out before, i am a mess. 

I can't seem to practice my Saxophone, which is stressing me out way more then playing it T-T.

Today we had a Kon get together. R.B. and i went all the way to German Town to get our friend Jena. Like 4 hrs. in a car. No as fun as you'd think. I was also very much sexually harassed by everyone. I'm also re-thinking my feelings towards a certain someone. I don't have any expectations of them, so ya..... i don't think i should give it much thought. Either way today was a lot of fun. Got some of it on tape, might upload it tomorrow. Ummmmm what else.....? Oh had diner at Diva's house. Most les thing i will ever say or think, Diva makes a good pillow. 

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