Saturday, March 12, 2011

3 things a month

I did this a long time ago with an old blog i had. 3 things a month you should aim to do.

One, take a nap! A nice long nap can do you wonders. This coming from a person who fell asleep at 5 one day and woke up at 7 the next day still feeling tired. Either way in this day and age its a really good idea.
Two say hi to someone you haven't in a while. We sometimes forget about the people who have left us, just don't forget to say hi once in a blue moon.
Three, watch a funny youtube video, something that will make you laugh in general will work. I recommend going back and watching an old nigahiga vid.
Either ways i've got a date with cold toast, my scanner and a bunch of new post that i've been putting on DA instead of here, sorry!

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