Saturday, March 12, 2011

talk #12 to recap all the shit thats been going down in this state.

Ok so ya we made history when this whole thing started, and the bill got passed a few days ago and today Madison is hosting an un-imaginable amount of protesters! Things are insane everywhere, things only got worse with news from Japan. I'm very lucky yet un-lucky to live where i do.

Here is what i posted on DA the day before i left for AMKE

Well at least the Capital of Wisconsin is basicaly on strike, protesting the new Bill the states trying to pass to take away the Unions rights and to take away from our education. Not to mention the state employies, which make up most of madison and its suburbs, hence why i'm posting this. 
Teachers, students, and state workers(including my mom) our out on this gloomy, dark, wet day protesting. I'm sitting at home because i woke up this morning to a call from the school district saying i have no school today then went back to bed. Things are in chaos right now and so i'm posting this. Its all so insane i just can't believe its happening. Its going to affect me in almost every way, considering i go to a school in a suburb of Madison, and its one of, if not the best, in the whole state. Then there's my mom's job. She works for the state and we honestly can't afford to lose any more money considering my brothers in law school. Trust me her job from the state is the best thing to have ever happened to us, if it weren't for my brothers law school expenses my mom could just have one job and life would be better for us and my brother...... gosh why am i ranting like this.

To be honest the whole thing is just upsetting.

I'm lucky i was able to escape to Milwaukee then i saw from one of Sooya's fb post that it wasn't any better there.

Last sunday i believe i got to go to the capital and i even got to go inside for a little bit. To be honest it just made me want to cry. The moment most people have of understanding and sort of a breaking point for me was when i saw that guy get up onto the pillar thing and bash away at the snare drum to help the chants keep a beat. 

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